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Capturing EVPs with Digital Recorders: A Practical Guide

When it comes to ghost hunting and the pursuit of capturing electronic voice phenomena (EVPs), having the right equipment and settings can make a significant difference. One of the most crucial tools for this endeavor is a digital recorder. Let's delve into how to optimize your digital recorder's settings to ensure the best possible captures of these elusive sounds.

Key Settings for Your Digital Recorder

  1. Sample Rate: This should be set at 44.1kHz or higher. The sample rate indicates how many times per second a sound is sampled to convert it to digital data. A higher sample rate means more data points are captured, providing a more detailed and accurate representation of the audio signal. This is particularly important for EVPs, which can be subtle and low in amplitude.

  2. Bit Depth: Opt for a bit depth of 32 bit or 32-float, which is considered best. Bit depth affects the dynamic range of your recordings—the range between the quietest and loudest part of an audio signal. A higher bit depth allows for a greater number of amplitude values per sample, capturing more detail in the audio's quietest parts—where EVPs often manifest.

  3. Turn Off Limiters and High-Pass Filters: Limiters compress the dynamic range of your audio, preventing the recorder from capturing sounds above a certain volume. This compression can mask or alter the quiet, subtle sounds of EVPs. High-Pass Filters, on the other hand, eliminate lower frequencies and allow higher frequencies to pass through. Since EVPs can occur at low decibels and potentially in lower frequency ranges, using a High-Pass Filter might inadvertently filter out these crucial sounds.

Why WAV?

For recording EVPs, the format of your audio files is also vital. I recommend using .wav files. This format is uncompressed, meaning it retains all the data captured during the recording process without losing any quality. Compression, often used in formats like MP3, can degrade the quality of the recording by removing bits of data deemed less important—a risky move when dealing with the delicate and often quiet sounds of EVPs.

ClearSpecter Audio Analytics Collaboration

In my pursuit to refine the capture and analysis of EVPs, especially in noisy environments, I have been collaborating with ClearSpecter Audio Analytics. Together, we're developing advanced techniques to enhance the clarity and discernibility of EVPs. These enhancements are crucial for environments where background noise can obscure or mimic paranormal sounds, leading to potential misinterpretations.

Practical Application

When setting up your digital recorder for an EVP session, start by adjusting the settings as outlined above. Make sure to test your equipment in a variety of environments to become familiar with how these settings impact your recordings. Use headphones to monitor the audio while recording and pay attention to the ambient noise levels.

Our work with ClearSpecter is aimed at overcoming these challenges by filtering out non-paranormal frequencies and amplifying those patterns typical of EVPs. For more information on our projects or to learn about our latest advancements, visit

By tailoring your equipment to the unique requirements of EVP recording, and by leveraging cutting-edge audio analysis technologies, you can increase your chances of capturing clear, unambiguous paranormal evidence. Whether you're a seasoned ghost hunter or a curious novice, these tips should help you prepare your digital recorder for success in the field.

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